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5 Essential Tips to Take on Holiday Shipping

Holiday shipping is expected to be brutal this year. But even this blog from several years ago can offer some top ways you can keep your customers happy when it comes to shipping this holiday season.

What’s that you hear? Could it be the faint sound of holiday jingles in the air? Perhaps you’re thinking, stop this madness, Halloween hasn’t even crept up yet. Or, maybe you’re a bundle of holiday cheer all-year-round and can’t stop singing along. Any hint of carols before Halloween is enough to make any retailer realize the busy season is quickly approaching.

People are starting to get excited and the tunes are just a tipping off point. Even though the holiday retail season still appears at a safe distance, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, then we all know what comes next.

So, when should you make sure your holiday shipping plans are squared away? Some might say yesterday.

The orders may start to come in full-force, but what will that matter if your shipping isn’t up to par. Should you look into offering free gifts with a purchase? Or, maybe honing in on those last minute shoppers by off-setting higher costs with a money back guarantee would be beneficial.

Holiday shipping is expected to be brutal this year. But even this blog from several years ago can offer some top ways you can keep your customers happy when it comes to shipping this holiday season.

What’s that you hear? Could it be the faint sound of holiday jingles in the air? Perhaps you’re thinking, stop this madness, Halloween hasn’t even crept up yet. Or, maybe you’re a bundle of holiday cheer all-year-round and can’t stop singing along. Any hint of carols before Halloween is enough to make any retailer realize the busy season is quickly approaching.

People are starting to get excited and the tunes are just a tipping off point. Even though the holiday retail season still appears at a safe distance, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, then we all know what comes next.

So, when should you make sure your holiday shipping plans are squared away? Some might say yesterday.

The orders may start to come in full-force, but what will that matter if your shipping isn’t up to par. Should you look into offering free gifts with a purchase? Or, maybe honing in on those last minute shoppers by off-setting higher costs with a money back guarantee would be beneficial.

5 Essential Tips to Take on Holiday Shipping